Wheel design Seven Sins

Rick’s Seven Sins wheel has become a real design classic, timeless and simple, which fits almost any building style.

Despite CNC-machining, a lot of highly qualified manual work is required for making these wheels. Polishing additionally tightens and smoothes the surface, and the laborious fine-polishing finish is also done by hand.

Contrast-cut is a procedure with which the wheel is afterwards given a bi-colour look whereby the wheel is powder-coated in an optional colour, and then parts can be machined with a CNC machine, creating an interesting bi-colour look.

Rick’s one-part wheels are fully machined from one block, which guarantees maximum strength.

    SevenSins 35x23 F21 457 002 SevenSins 35x23 F21 457 001 1 1 6 5 10 MGL2316 MGL2313 MGL2312 MGL2311 MGL2310 MGL2336 MGL2323 MGL2320

    One-piece design wheels 

    Created from sand, fire and pressure: earth’s powers are being used to make Rick’s new one-piece forged wheels!

    Technical advancements are progressing, and so is custom design:

    Higher quality demands and new design ideas are pitted against Rick’s Motorcycles’ new one-piece forged wheels with CNC-machined wheel designs: CNC-machined rolling works of art for the highest demands, versatile, with extraordinary design and of course with certificate and tested according to DIN-ISO 9001. With several years of experience building Rick’s worldwide in demand three-piece custom wheels with screwed rims gave the Rick’s team a unique know-how, which also comes to fruition in making the new one-piece wheels from the House of Custom. For months the best sources for the raw materials and special tools was researched worldwide, and the result speaks for itself: excellent technical data and strength performance, highly polished surfaces into the last remote angles and exclusive designs in all important stock and custom sizes. The one-piece forged wheels open a new chapter in the history of the “House of Custom”. Wheel design for the highest demands!

    DSCN2327 DSCN2336 Street Glide 23Zoll Rauleder 019 Street Glide 23Zoll Rauleder 015 Street Glide 23Zoll Rauleder 022 IMG 0438 IMG 0038 MG 0728 IMG 0486 IMG 0474
    Durchmesser Breite
    18 Zoll
     21 Zoll
    23 Zoll3,5"
    26 Zoll3,5"
    18 Zoll
    4,0“ für OEM V-Rod Bremsscheibe
    4,0“ für Rick‘s Bremsscheibe
    5,5“ für Rick's Bremsscheibe
    9,0“ für Rick's Bremsscheibe
    10,5“ für Rick's Bremsscheibe


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    Wheel design Seven Sins

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