Wheel design Rodder

The asphalt is hot after a classic burn-out at the Drive-ins in California!

The classic “Hot Rod” look like we know it from the speed world record runs on the Bonneville Salt Flats or Lake Muroc in California! For Bobber, Chopper, Oldstyle or brand new hi-tech bikes and Lowrider – this rim matches almost any style! Five solid but at the same time elegant bars with round cut-outs give stability and an unrivalled sporty custom look. Together with matching design pulleys and brake discs, this is an ultra-clean wheel with which a custom bike will look good anywhere…at the custom bike event, in front of the ice-cream parlour or at the next speed trials at Lake Bonneville in Utah!

    Rodder 35x23 F95 629 1tlg 001 HRF Patrick Vogt FXDB Orange 040 HRF Patrick Vogt FXDB Orange 036 HRF Patrick Vogt FXDB Orange 021 HRF Patrick Vogt FXDB Orange 010 Dyna Street Bob El Diablo 024 1 Dyna Street Bob El Diablo 008 1 Dyna Street Bob El Diablo 028 1 Cross Bones Shooting Malle Huber Verlag 005 Cross Bones Shooting Malle Huber Verlag 004 Cross Bones Shooting Malle Huber Verlag 015 Cross Bones Shooting Malle Huber Verlag 014

    Despite CNC-machining, a lot of highly qualified manual work is required for making these wheels. Polishing additionally tightens and smoothes the surface, and the laborious fine-polishing finish is also done by hand.

    Contrast-cut is a procedure with which the wheel is afterwards given a bi-colour look whereby the wheel is powder-coated in an optional colour, and then parts can be machined with a CNC machine, creating an interesting bi-colour look.

    Rick’s one-part wheels are fully machined from one block, which guarantees maximum strength.

    IMG 7043 IMG 7129 IMG 7055 IMG 7256 IMG 7343 IMG 6968 MG 4837 MG 4619 MG 4373 MG 4466 MG 4658 MG 5045
    Durchmesser Breite
    18 Zoll
     21 Zoll
    23 Zoll3,5"
    26 Zoll3,5"
    18 Zoll
    4,0“ für OEM V-Rod Bremsscheibe
    4,0“ für Rick‘s Bremsscheibe
    5,5“ für Rick's Bremsscheibe
    9,0“ für Rick's Bremsscheibe
    10,5“ für Rick's Bremsscheibe


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    Wheel design Rodder

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