The asphalt is hot after a classic burn-out at the Drive-ins in California!
The classic “Hot Rod” look like we know it from the speed world record runs on the Bonneville Salt Flats or Lake Muroc in California! For Bobber, Chopper, Oldstyle or brand new hi-tech bikes and Lowrider – this rim matches almost any style! Five solid but at the same time elegant bars with round cut-outs give stability and an unrivalled sporty custom look. Together with matching design pulleys and brake discs, this is an ultra-clean wheel with which a custom bike will look good anywhere…at the custom bike event, in front of the ice-cream parlour or at the next speed trials at Lake Bonneville in Utah!
The modular build of our 3-piece assembled wheels makes it possible to vary the look due to different surfaces. Powder-coating is possible in all RAL colours and due to different surfaces of the rim bed and the rim star, a trendy bicolor effect can be created. In addition, the blank screws ensure an interesting technical look and are truly the icing on the cake.