
Fat Ass Rocker

30. November 2016

As far as Harley conversions are concerned, the Rocker is normally not favoured by many customizers as a base bike, and it seems indeed a difficult task to tackle a factory custom. In the end such bikes are designed to already stick out from the crowd of motorcycles once they leave the factory.

Nevertheless Rick’s took on a Rocker, and while leaving the characteristic gas and oil tank in place, added a 300 tire conversion.

With the ribbed oil reservoir (designed by Willie G. Davidson), the elongated gas tank, the 5-spoke chrome billet wheels and the 240 rear tire, over which is situated the fender, connected to the swingarm, the Rocker series surely has an acceptable custom look…if it wasn’t for the ugly single seat with the uncomfortable looking pillion pad, which was replaced by Rick’s with a single home-made seat.

Now the bike also sports a 300 rear tire on one of Rick’s one-piece “Seven Sins” wheels, which is being held by the offset swingarm of the 300 Fat Ass kit. The specialty is that the rear tire, despite its massive width, can be mounted dead centre, because two consecutively positioned belts are being used, whereby the rear belt from the centre point of the swingarm axle is diverted to the outside along the wheel.

A simple system which many of Rick’s customers appreciate and which renders obsolete other adventurous constructions. Apart from the arms of the swingarm the view of the beautiful rim is kept clear due to the use of Rick’s drive side brake system on the right.

It goes without saying that due to the rear conversion a new fender was necessary, and Rick made at the same time a matching piece for the front, which was painted by Wild Air Hoerby at Rick’s “House of Custom”, whereby the stock paint was kept, but was embellished with subtle flames.

About the detailing…looking at the photos you will see that the Rocker customized in Baden-Baden offers the rider a lower sitting position as opposed to the stock bike, which is due to the fact that a Rick’s lowering kit was used. Furthermore the Vance & Hines exhaust system is worth mentioning, but apart from minor details not much was needed to transform it into a decent custom bike, attracting looks because of its fat rear end!

Apropos Feinheiten. ANhand der Bilder werdet Ihr wohl bereits festgestellt haben, dass die in Baden-Baden überarbeitete Rocker dem Rider eine gegenüber der ursprünglichen Maschine tiefere Sitzposition bietet. Was daran liegt, dass die ansonsten werksmäßig belassene Dämpfereinheit ein Rick´s Tieferlegungs-KIT erhielt. Darüber hinaus ist eigentlich nur noch die Vance & Hines Auspuffanlage erwähnenswert. Denn abgesehen von ein paar weiteren Kleinigkeiten bedurfte es gar nicht mehr, um aus der hauptsächlich wegen ihres eigenartigen Sitzes unausgegoren wirkenden Serien-Rocker ein ansehnliches Bike zu machen, das alle Blicke natürlich nicht zuletzt auch wegen des augenfällig fetten Arschs auf sich zieht!.

Text Michael Stein, Foto Horst Rösler

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